Pop & Rock of the 80’s Billboard No. 1 hits 1980-1989

So? What do you say we get together this Friday 7 pm to release some tension and enjoy some Freedom through Music 80’s pop style? That’s right! I will totally be out of my comfort style and learning through every moment singing and wondering if your at the other end dancing?

Welcome Brad Martel!

Hello everyone, it’s been a crazy couple of weeks, and I’ve been busy doing grant writing to keep In Session a float! We are working hard on restructuring to bring you something unique. I am currently working on dates to bring you some entertainment from yours truly so that I

Riding by the seat of my pants tour

I’m seeing more and more of my friend musicians selling their gear and it breaks my heart to see the music industry so fragile. I’m moving everything online and buying equipment to do so. I have wonderful musicians that are showing me their true passion for music and we are

Forget the pandemic. Let’s celebrate music.

This pandemic has left me wondering “Where do I go from here”? Everyone has different issues and different circumstances going on and I am no different. Confused and trying to move forward sometimes, I just have to let go of everything that is not in my control and just SING!

The week the pandemic hit

It was Monday morning. I am at Your Independent Grocers (our ticket sales location sponsor) handing them tickets to our second flagship event, “Country Greats” that was to be held at the Dante Club on April 18. Kiss FM Timmins is playing ads to help promote the event, Aux Business

That next step In Session

It seems that the world is changing and we must change with it. Everyone is affected differently during these unprecedented times. We have decided to take drastic measures in order to be able to continue to do what we love, protect our family and find joy in life. This beautiful

Our music scene

We have refocused (for now) our business concept, due to COVID-19. Here’s what we are up to. Livestream Sessions Join us at In Session for a private livestream concerts, starting with an Anniversary Special with Leslie-Anne, on Sunday September 27th. Come join her in celebration of love, honor and commitment.

Created by a musician,
for the artist in you.